Cost of Mediation

The amount of fees for a mediation will vary greatly.

The fee for a mediation must be agreed with the mediator in advance.

The fee will reflect the complexity of the matter, the likely length of the mediation and the amount at stake.

Where the mediation is a private alternative to the court's own mediation or conciliation process, the fees may be influenced by the amount of saved court fees.

Usually the fee will be a basic amount for up to a certain number of hours and an hourly rate thereafter. Or it may be an hourly rate throughout.

Where the mediator needs to travel a distance to the mediation venue there may be travel and/or subsistence costs to cover.

Usually the fee will be paid equally by each side, but this is not a golden rule.

Parties are encouraged to consider a venue that they would be content to use. Sometimes this may be the offices of one side's solicitor. Since the mediator is entirely independent this is often workable. Sometimes a "neutral" venue is preferable. If the mediator needs to organise a venue there may be additional fees to pay.

Usually the mediator will require the fee to be paid in advance. This can help the mediation process, because it demonstrates commitment to the mediation process from both sides.

Please contact your chosen mediator giving details of the dispute and the contact details of all parties, and discussions will commence to agree an appropriate fee. Alternatively email a mediator and ask for an informal chat about the process and the fees.  Contact your chosen mediator