Main articles:
Frequently asked questions
Confidentiality in mediations (and its limits)
Cost of mediation
Contact details
Find a mediator:
  Mediators in Brisbane
Mediators in the Far North
Mediators in the Fraser Coast/Wide Bay
Mediators in the Gold Coast
Settle disputes with a mediator outside the legal process
  where there is a dispute resolution clause
in commercial disputes
in discrimination claims
in money claims
in neighbour disputes
where there is a dispute within the family
Settle court claims with a mediator during pre-court procedures
  in personal injury claims
which require "genuine steps" (Federal claims)
Settle disputes with a mediator when ordered by the court
  in personal injury claims (compulsory conferences)
in commercial claims
in money claims
in neighbour disputes
where there is a dispute within the family
Heading for trial? Settle disputes with a mediator now!
  personal injury claims
commercial claims
discrimination claims
money claims
neighbour disputes
where there is a dispute within the family